Start Time
Jan 2021
Designed By
RuiJun LI
Committee Members
Adam Smith
Mike Strobert
Design Tools
Cinema 4D
After Effects
Procrastination may relieve pressure at the moment, but it can have steep emotional, physical, and practical costs. Students who routinely procrastinate tend to get lower grades, workers who procrastinate produce lower-quality work, and in general, habitual procrastinators can experience reduced well-being in the form of insomnia and mental illness.
Concept Solution
Create a VR system to help the user efficiently organize and track their project. The system will create an immersive learning environment to help the user focus on communicating, sharing processes, and working together in the study room. Building different study rooms for each course. Each room has an AI robot, if the topic discussed in the study room is irrelevant, or if the user opens an unrelated web page. AI robots will constantly remind users to concentrate on their work now. The system will also generate a reasonable daily task schedule for users, and help the user efficiently organize and track their project.
Why Procrastinate?
The perception of doubt concerning requisite skill triggers task deferral and work avoidance.
“Do it right or don’t do it at all.”
Avoiding a difficulty
Part of the reason we procrastinate is because the task seems too daunting.
Attention deficits
Easily interfered by other things
Conceptualizing The Solution
Study Room
Anticipated Completion December 2021