❓Why design Healthway?
Health care is one of the common topics that almost everyone faces, however, collect health data is difficult.
❗️What is Healthway?
Healthway is a personal health record system, using IoT medical devices to collect health data.
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Next, introduce the Experience of Healthway
Task 1 - New user‘s guide
When the new users sign up for the account, the system will guide the user to choose their own dataset, in order to make personalization.
Task 2 - Connect IoT devices to your account
The device page helps users manage all of the IoT medical devices. It reflects the hardware and software ecology that Healthway creates.
Task 3 - View health data in dashboard
The dashboard is based on the users' preference, including index, device, dataset, highlight, and common.
Task 4 - Receive timely health reminders when the system received abnormal data
Healthway plays a vital role for users to understand their health condition.
Task 5 - Contact doctor online, enjoy medical services offline
The O2O service has been integrated into the Healthway. The user could access offline services, in order to make better treatment.
Overview the complete product
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