Strange Weather We're Having
Welcome to Brightbrook, home to your friends, your family, and your neighbors. The climate around us is changing and we need act fast to save our town. We're talking wildfires, flash floods, and a whole bunch of nasty things. The more we talk about how climate change impacts us, the more we can recognize how to build more resilient and equitable communities.
Strange Weather We're Having
Welcome to Brightbrook USA, home to your friends, your family, and your neighbors. The climate around us is changing and we need act fast to save our town. We're talking wildfires, flash floods, and a whole bunch of nasty things. The more we talk about how climate change impacts us, the more we can recognize how to build more resilient and equitable communities.
Designer Ben McLauchlin
Committee Mike Strobert & Adam Smith
Duration September 2020 - August 2021
Focus UI/UX Design, Graphic Design
A semi-cooperative board game designed to inspire conversation surrounding the harm climate change causes and what individuals and communities can do to help.
A semi-cooperative board game designed to inspire conversation surrounding the harm climate change causes and what individuals and communities can do to help.
The Crisis Counter and restricted time encourage us to discuss and plan through our actions as a unit, mirroring the same kind of cooperation we need in the real world.
Wow, look at these visuals. Stunning. Vibrant. Bold. They look like windows into a world that is always moving, always changing. That is intentional.
Strange Weather We’re Having is meant to be an interpretation of real life experiences. It focuses on struggles and the hope of a better future. It celebrates the joys of life and how we spend our limited time with those we care about.
Strange Weather We're Having mirrors many of the challenges we face in our own communities and builds on real, tested climate change facts.
The game focuses on realistic actions that the average American can do and celebrates a vision of hope that forms the basis of its mechanics and visuals. It is all designed to inspire action and instill delight in those who play.
Click on the link below to see the system behind the game, plus more information on how to play. Thanks for stopping by!