Making connections between human-books and readers.
My intention is to develop a system to help people engage and bring them together from varied backgrounds to share their life stories and experiences. The system would consist of a library of ‘human books’ and tools for readers to find the
‘human books’ they’re interested in.
"Learning from written words is passive, there is a better way"
1 People learn in different ways
Sometimes, we don't enjoy reading to gain knowledge since it is not very engaging.
2 Foster making connections
It is always easier when we can have an ongoing dialogue with a real person to learn something new.
3 Finding the right voice/ platform
The right source is as important as the knowledge they provide.
At Lore, there are a number of different ways to discover the people you want to connect with.
The home page is where you'll find people we think you'll love, based on your recent activity.
You can search for names of people, categories, sub-categories, skills, expertise etc in the search bar.
If you're not quite sure what you're looking for, try typing in something general (eg - travel), then use
Lore's built-in search guides (like "backpackers" or "solo travelers") to narrow down your results.
You could browse through various sub-categories under this option.
Update yourself about the upcoming/ongoing Lore events near you.
Become a Book
To become a human-book, you would need to answer a questionnaire which would be assessed by
Lore's adminstrators who decide whether one qualifies to be a human-book.
You have the ability to filter your search based on the people available within a certain proximity to you, gender, age and faith. You also have the ability to sort based on popularity and reviews.
This is how a typical human-book page would look.
The human-book provides the title for their page and a few words about themselves.
Lore gives you our reasons as to why we published this particular person. We also share a little about stereotypes and any other relevant general information regarding the topic when appropriate.
Contact Me
This lets you make a direct connection with the human-book.
Upcoming Events
This option let you know if the particular human-book is hosting or being a part of any events which you could attend to be able to talk to him/her in-person.
Anyone can become a human-book by providing relevant information about themselves and topic.
Lore's admin would approve/disapprove the applications based on the policy.
Below is a demo video to briefly explain the concept of Lore.
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