Florist is an AR flower arrangement system, which people can use by wearing AR glasses to get help on how to prepare a suitable bouquet.
Each type of flower has its own distinct appearance and unique language of flowers, conveying different emotions. Floral knowledge is very systematic and complicated.
As a girl who loves buying flowers as decoration and gifts for others, I decided to design a flower arrangement system to help people solve problems related to flower selection and how to arrange flowers.
Because I want to gain a better understanding of people's demand for purchasing fresh flowers and their knowledge about flowers, I visited several offline flower shops and conducted a survey. Based on my research, I found some problems with purchasing bouquets at flower stores.
1. Most people are not very knowledgeable about flower arrangements. Most people who buy flowers at physical stores tend to purchase packaged bouquets, and only a few buy fresh flowers to arrange at home.
2. Most people like flowers, but many of them did't buy it very often because they think arranged flowers are too expensive.
3.Loose fresh flowers in supermarkets are cheaper, but many people don't know how to arrange them.
4.There are some people who feel uncertain about which flowers are suitable for certain occasions, so even when they buy well-arranged flowers from a flower shop, sometimes they still feel that the flowers don't match the environment.
1. Design an AR system that can use AR technology to scan the environment, then analyze the environment to match the most suitable bouquet.
2. This AR system also can provide the flowers information for users to help them with their decision.
3. This AR system also can provide AR flowers arrangement tutorials.
4. This AR system should also help people find the best place for their flowers.
1. People who want to buy flowers to decorate their living environment but do not have extensive knowledge about floriculture.
2. People who want to buy flowers as gifts to express their feelings do not have sufficient knowledge about flower arrangements.
3. People who are interested in flowers think that the well-packaged flowers in flower shops are expensive.
Goal: The primary goal of Florist is to help people to get the most suitable bouquet easily, so the system should be very simple and easy for people to use.
3D models
The following videos are from the perspective of a user wearing a pair of AR glasses.
1. Environment analysis
Using AR glasses to scan the surrounding environment, analyzing the scene, atmosphere, color tones, needs, and any other things of the environment, to provide a arrangement ideas that is adapted to the environment.
2. Simulated placement
This system could be used to visualize how a flower arrangement would look in a particular space, allowing people to experiment with different designs and color schemes before making a final decision. This could save time and resources, as well as help people achieve a more cohesive and harmonious look.
3. AR Arrangement Tutorial
After selecting the appropriate idea and preparing the flower arrangement materials, users can enter the AR flower arrangement tutorial. The tutorial uses AR intelligent scanning and analysis of the user's actions to achieve fully automated interactive guidance. The tutorial is easy to understand and eliminates the need for cumbersome operations such as fast-forwarding or rewinding that require users to free up their hands.
Considering that it's difficult for people to use electronic devices such as phones while doing flower arrangement, this system can be operated entirely through scanned gesture movements to execute corresponding commands.
Final Work
Student Name: Yanran Ding (Nicole)
Committee: Mike Strobert, Adam Smith
Photography Assistant: Yang Fan, Austin