
Create a fun wine tasting survey tool for casual social drinkers to help them socialize and capture their wine preferences.







Client: Total Wine & More

Timeline: 6 weeks / 2019

Role: UX Research, UI Design

Tool: Figma


center-card-wine breakers


Wine tasting and socializing are overwhelming and difficult to deal with, these barriers need to be removed between people to make the experience fun and inclusive.



An engaging ice breaker game that brings people together and their love for wine to help spark a conversation and explore ways to leverage digital to enhance the overall tasting experience.





1. Engaging and Inclusive

Putting surveys in between people and the tasks they want to accomplish, make their survey experience as painless as possible. Inclusive of all types of users - socially awkward, novice wine drinkers and casual drinkers. 

01-host-start party




2. Single Point Focus

Easy step-by-step instructions and single focus tasks allow users to socialize without having to rely too heavily on learning how to play.




3. Conversation Facilitator

Add personalized questions to help spark conversation between people who find it hard to socialize in person.

03-Round 1
04-Round 2



4. User-Centric Survey

Users must feel like they are in charge of what they feel about the wine they taste and have an analyzed group result at the end of it.



user story-suzy


 User Story

Suzy likes to invite friends over and wants to try more wines with them. She likes the idea of having a variety to select from and comparing people’s favorites. Suzy and her friends gather biweekly to try a new bottle of wine.




User flow

This is a walkthrough of the steps involved for a user to initiate the gameplay, play the rounds and check results.






Competitive Analysis

I compared 3 interactive games and learned how they are played, what makes them engaging and what can put the players off. The following is a brief summary of each product.

1. Quiplash

2. S.P.A.R.K

3. Cards Against Humanity







Wine Breakers is an engaging interactive game that breaks the ice between people and generates an evaluation of the wine being tasted. This data helps them to understand which wine is popular amongst their group of friends. The label can pull stores where the wine can be bought.




Thank you!

© Senjal Pandharpatte |