
Create an app to help party planners to plan a party with confidence to make their party success. 


Party planners have difficulty planning parties with purchasing the right type and quantity of alcohol confidently.


A party planning app that can help users to plan a party with confidence by using party calculator and recommendation base on users' needs, and boosting their confidence with return option for unopen products.

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Introducing Partyplanner

A planner tool for party hosts to purchase alcohol with confident. Partyplanner helps users to purchase correct quantity and right alcohol products to make their party successful.


In this project, we were given two challenges from Total Wine on how to make everthing easy for customers to buy their alchohol. I chose to design an app to help users hosting party with confidence.

I ultimately came up with two key goals of this project.

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Helping users to figure out what and much they need when planning a party, and give them recommendations of what they can do.

2. Peace of mind

Make the planning process as easy as possible and users should feel confident even after a purchase.



Tod Fu

First Time Host 

Tod wants to host a party to celebrate his promotion. This is his first time hosting a party and he wants to impress his friends. But he does not know where to begin when it comes to quantity, types of drinks and food to pair.

Helpful tool

Party Calculator


A simple party calculator that uses the number of guests and party duration to tell users what quantity of each type of drink they should get.

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Pair with ease

Food Pairing


Whenever users are shopping or planning a party, they can always check what kind of foods are good with the product they are looking at.

Plan like a pro

Quick Planner


This help user to decide what and how many they should purchase when planning party.

pair return

Bought too much? Don't worry!

Return Function


Return option boosts users' confidence when they deciding on how many they need to buy for parties. In some cases, supply is always better to have more than just enough during the party.

The QR code is designed to help the return process easier but also make sure the products are unopen to avoid unnecessary trouble.

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pair return

Competitive Analysis

To Begin, I analyzed three different alcohol retailers' apps. I quickly discovered that they do not help users to decide what they should do for hosting a party.

  • Current apps do not help users to plan a party, such as ideas, recommendations, and the general amount of alcohol to purchase. They usually only provide information, popularity, and reviews on every alcohol.
  • The food pairing system is complicated, it usually asks users to find food first to pair with alcohol. But users are usually having difficulty to find what food can pair or other any idea if they find their favorite alcohol.


ANALYSIS for prompt 2


More than 50% of people find that purchasing the right quantity is the most difficult.

And there are 50% of people feel more confident if they know they can return extras after a party.


In this survey, I find that buying the right quantity and return option can boost users' confidence when it comes to buying alcohol when hosting a party.

Return Function


The function/system of return can help to boost users' confidence when buying alcohol by allowing them to return leftover or extra items.

During a discussion with the Total Wine design team, they pointed out that users can only return products that are unopened, otherwise some users may return products that have been opened or swapped with another alcohol.

To prevent that, I developed the idea of putting a QR code onto the bottle label. If the QR code is damaged, the product cannot be returned. Users always have to scan the QR code to begin the return process.


User Flow

The diagram below shows the user flow for an existing user who wants

to plan a successful party for the first time with confidence.

Copy of Party planner user flow

Structuring the Contents

After determining the user flow, I drew some quick sketches on paper with the major features: Party Calculator, food pairing, quick planner and return function.


Full-Screen Design

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Partyplanner is a party calculator app that also makes users feel confident when planning parties and buying alcohol.


Thank You

Chun-Hsiang Yang