UI/UX project; Individual project
Figma, Protopie, After Effects, Sketchbook and pencil
Mobile app mockups and interactive prototype
As a major way of promoting products and collecting feedbacks for independent wineries, wine tasting becomes more and more inefficient and unattractive. Independent wineries need a new way for product promotion and collecting feedbacks.
Explore ways to leverage digital to enhance the overall tasting experience. Find a new way for independent wineries to promote products and collect feedbacks.
Creating a platform for wineries and customers to connect with each other
Make the process of rating a wine quick, understandable and stress-free
Providing a match rate based on customers' rating history for them
Building a platform for independent wineries to bulid their customer communities for product promotion and collecting feedback; for costumers to find wines they would like.
James bought a new wine today, and he loves it very much. He wants to give it a possitive rating on Clink. So he opens the app and scans the wine label to find this wine.
After landing on the detail page of this wine, James checks out the basic info of this wine and other similiar wines. The process of rating is extremely quick and simple. This is a good wine and he gives it a very possitive feedback, "I would buy it again".
Because of this wine, James wants to know more about the maker of this wine, Keep Wines. He goes to their page, finds out that most of their wines have a high match rate with him. So he starts following this winery, and gets their activities on the home page.
One day, James finds a post of Keep Wines. He clicks on the article to read it. When he finishs reading, he is on the page of Keep Wines, instead of home page. Naturally, he starts reading more activities of Keep Wines. As a result, the connection between James and Keep Wines gets stronger.
Thank you for offering us the opportunity to design experience in the context of wine business, and for all the helpful documents you provided.
—Yezhang Wang(yw9213@rit.edu)