Sorry! Replay is an augmented reality board game expansion with the goal of revitalizing old board games and providing options for future development.
We combine the energetic and fast-paced nature of digital gaming with the human connection and friendly competition brought about by physical board games. By enabling users to focus primarily on the physical game and use the digital component only when needed lets the original game shine while providing additional fun and excitement.
Pioneering a new way to revitalize existing games through themes and gameplay. Allowing for whole new worlds to be built upon boardgames you may no longer use and providing intresting mechanics, mini-games, and connectivity though play.
Instead of being knocked back to start, you are given the chance to defend your space from attackers. The simple fighting mechanic keeps this game playable regradless of age, but helps to feed your competitive spirit.
Digital playing cards can provide contact free options, allowing for a safer and more convenient way to play with large groups.
Artist concept for alternate game expansion
Future expansions can modify game worlds to provide a more immersive experience. Opening up the board game community to creating their own unique spins and giving companies a new tool to work with their IPs.