COVID-Sym by Team Pixeweave


What problem are we solving?

COVID-19 is scary since it is not visual at all, and human tend to fear what they cannot see. Therefore,  we are creating a simulation to help educate others.

In the simulation, users will be able to see a birds eye view of a school. There will be AI’s that attend classes on a schedule. Some of these AI’s will be infected and some won’t. These pictures here give an example of what the simulation would look like to the user.

What do we have so far?

AI’s will attend school on a schedule. Users can assign the number of patients that start with COVID.

Color coded models will show the infected & non-infected
As the AI models move around and attend school, they will be colliding with each other and the program will calculate who gets infected and who doesn’t.

At the end of each day, users will see the number of infected and non-infected persons and will be able to change whether masks and social distancing is active.


Peter Vitello: Developer

David Chen: Designer and Developer